zaterdag 29 augustus 2015

woensdag 26 augustus 2015

APMEX silver eagle premiums hit new high

I have never seen these premiums in silver since I monitored it. APMEX coins hit 40% premium. And 90% junk silver bags were out of stock the whole week, which I also have never seen before.

I say buy more.

Also note how registered silver (blue line) at the COMEX is going down, we have a trend change in stock levels of silver, indicating shortage.

vrijdag 21 augustus 2015

Megaphone Pattern Revisited in Dow Jones

The predicted megaphone pattern is appearing again, after a really long wait...

maandag 17 augustus 2015

China in Trouble: Power Consumption Trends Down

Power consumption in China dipped 1.3% in July. I think GDP growth is not 7%, but more like 2%.

donderdag 13 augustus 2015

World Gold Council: Q2 2015 gold demand has cratered

According to the WGC, Q2 gold demand has fallen substantially.

Demand was only 915 tonnes, dropping 12% yoy.
Supply was at 1033 tonnes, down 5% yoy.

This is confirmed by gold hitting a 5 year low recently.

But it's very interesting to see that SGE withdrawals have hit multi year highs at 70 tonnes per week in July. So i'm predicting that Q3 gold demand will be much better.