vrijdag 28 april 2017

Gold Production Vs. Gold Price

It is very obvious, but when the gold price drops, it 's probably because production is going up. And when the gold price drops too much, production will start to decrease as gold mines will have to shut down their unprofitable plants. Then the cycle turns. Because of lower gold production, the price of gold will go up due to the demand and supply equation.

So we have a negative correlation between gold production and gold price.

Now where do we stand in 2017?

It is said that it will take 20 years on average to get reserves and resources to a producing mine.

So that peak in discovery in 1995 is coinciding with the peak of production in 2015.

So what are the gold production numbers today? We see that gold mine production is starting to fall after 2015. So our correlation theory discovery/production is correct. 2015 is supposed to be the peak production year. If no new technologies appear, we will see a decline in production.

Conclusion: As gold production will fall, the gold price will rise. It's that easy.

woensdag 26 april 2017

Silver is a War Metal

Is this coincidence? Make your own conclusion.

dinsdag 25 april 2017

JP Morgan Suppressing Silver Price

I wonder who is suppressing the silver price with short silver open interest. Yes, JP Morgan.

Registered silver stock is low, while open interest is soaring.

Of course this cannot go indefinitely as silver leverage is starting to spike.

And we all know what happened in 2016 when gold had that leverage spike? Gold soared from $1100 to $1300 per ounce. The same will happen with silver.

woensdag 5 april 2017

Market Outlook

Stock market investors have had a good return since Trump won the election in November 2016. In this article I'll give a quick view on what to expect going forward.

Following the debt ceiling holiday expiration in March 2017, cash in the U.S. treasury plunged to almost zero (blue chart below from FRED). The red chart shows how the Federal Reserve balance sheet was basically flat since 2015 when QE3 ended. The little blip in 2017 managed to push the stock market to all time highs by adding bank reserve liquidity.

This boost in bank reserves is also visible in the increase in the monetary base in 2017.

So while we haven't heard anything on QE4, we actually had an increase in monetary base due to the depletion of cash at the U.S. treasury to prop up the stock market one last time before the debt ceiling holiday expired in March 2017. Now that this cash is fully used, there is nothing that will stop the stock market from declining.

U.S. Treasury Cash Balance

Following the debt ceiling deadline of March 2017, cash in the U.S. treasury plunged to almost zero to push up bank reserves and that subsequently pushed up the stock market.

This is also seen in the increase in the monetary base.

So while we haven't heard anything on QE4, we actually had an increase in monetary base due to the depletion of cash at the U.S. treasury to prop up the stock market one last time before the debt ceiling holiday expired in March 2017. Now that that cash is fully used, there is nothing that will stop the stock market from declining.