zaterdag 29 juni 2019

COFER Q1 2019

U.S. dollar COFER composition stays at 62%.

vrijdag 28 juni 2019

Manufacturing PMI points to recession

Recession imminent. GDP growth likely below 2%.


donderdag 27 juni 2019

zondag 23 juni 2019

Silver price to follow gold price

It is not inconceivable that we will see the silver price follow the gold price higher.

Gold usually leads the silver price by a year or two.We could see silver go to $20/ounce soon.

Case study:
Let's say silver goes from $15/ounce to $20/ounce. That's a rise of $5/ounce.
Endeavour silver has 10 million of silver production per year (Terronera included).
That would be an extra profit of 10 million x $5/ounce = $50 million per year.
Add a 10 P/E on that and you get a market cap of $500 million.

=> Endeavour silver could triple in stock price when this happens. Not to mention what would happen when silver goes higher than $20/ounce.

zaterdag 22 juni 2019

Gold demand in China very strong

I found a new site where you can view the Shanghai gold premiums and it's shooting up. This means the gold market is very tight in China.

vrijdag 21 juni 2019

Negative real interest rate

What do you think will happen when inflation stays at the 2% Fed target, while global bond yields fall into negative territory.

=> negative real interest rate => good for gold

woensdag 19 juni 2019

FOMC minutes

Unemployment rate to rise.

Growth is slowing down.

 Interest rates will go lower.

German banks suffer from negative ECB deposit rate

This number tells it all.

The direct cost arising from the negative ECB deposit rate is about one-quarter of German bank profits.

donderdag 13 juni 2019

Lynette answers my question

Thanks Lynette for answering my question!

Stock Screener: Day 10: Neo Performance Materials (NEO)

If I don't have any ideas anymore what to buy, I use the stock screener.

Neo Performance Materials is a speculative play on the China rare earth export ban.

What you want to do is filter on 4 attributes: market cap, P/E, dividend yield and percentage change.

1) Market Cap: do not choose small companies as they are mostly fraudulent or don't have sustainable earnings. Don't choose big companies because these are not volatile enough to get fast profits from. I'd filter between 200 million and 4 billion.

2) P/E ratio: choose the companies with the lowest P/E ratio, these companies are dirt cheap while still having earnings. Cheap is below P/E of 5. But do not choose below P/E of 2 because those are mostly companies that are going bankrupt or have bad growth.

3) Dividend yield: always choose companies that have dividends, because these companies have real earnings and can prove they have sustainable earnings to reward investors. The higher the better of course, but don't push it above 7% as those companies probably don't have the money to pay out dividends on a regular basis. I'd go for companies with dividends between 3% and 7%.

4) Volatility: don't choose companies that are so volatile. Maximum year over year change should be between the 20% range.

woensdag 12 juni 2019

Deficit to outlay ratio soars in May 2019

The May deficit to outlay ratio went to 47%, every number above 40% is hyperinflationary. Now is the time to protect yourself.

The Fed Will Cut Rates

The Fed will cut rates, probably somewhere at the end of the year.

Negative yielding debt

What are the implications of negative yielding debt?

ECB rate and European loans

The Court of Justice of European Union allows the ECB to only purchase 30% of government debt.

dinsdag 11 juni 2019

China Rare Earth Dominance

China rare earth exports have declined, due to export ban speculation. Exports declined to 3,640 tons last month, down 16% from April and an 18% drop from a year earlier, according to Chinese customs data on Monday.

Rare earth prices have come down to historic levels.

vrijdag 7 juni 2019

QE is Debt Cancellation

If the Fed doesn't end QT soon, the deficit will skyrocket. The Fed needs QE to cancel its debt and deficits.