vrijdag 25 augustus 2023

Central Banks Secretly Buying Gold via Hong Kong

Koos Janssen provides evidence that central banks are saving the gold price.

woensdag 23 augustus 2023

Neutral price of gold and copper

The neutral price of gold (derived from Shanghai gold premiums) and the neutral price of copper (derived from Chinese scrap copper premiums). Gold is outperforming copper.

donderdag 17 augustus 2023

QT and Rate Cuts

The next stage will be QT and rate cuts. Bond yields rising and fed funds rate dropping means uninversion of the yield curve. That is bullish gold. 

woensdag 16 augustus 2023

Sprott Holdings Update

Sprott holdings update.

Sprott bought: Orla Mining, IAMGold, Teck Resources, Endeavour Silver

Sprott sold: mostly silver and lithium miners: PAAS, SILV, MAG, SBSW, GATO, MUX, ALB 

dinsdag 15 augustus 2023

China power consumption reaches all time high

China reaches all time high in power consumption. 

vrijdag 11 augustus 2023

Bond Yields Going Much Higher

As fiscal spending rises along with less money printing. Bond yields will soar


Gold outperforms bonds

Gold has outperformed bonds over the last month. 

maandag 7 augustus 2023

dinsdag 1 augustus 2023

Bond yields will soar

Yellen is about to borrow 1 trillion dollars in Q3. Bond yields will soar.

Marc Faber expects bond yields to reach 15%.

How do we position ourselves? Buy gold!