China sells U.S. bonds

China keeps selling U.S. trashuries. 

vrijdag 15 december 2023

CAPEX Copper

Capex for copper is declining, which means price should go up.

Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) foresees a supply shortfall that will drive the price of copper to $4.50 per pound by late 2024, and to more than $6.80 per pound in 2025.

donderdag 14 december 2023

FOMC Meeting: more rate cuts

FOMC says more rate cuts:




woensdag 13 december 2023

Argentina gold price doubles

The gold price in Argentina just doubled. 

maandag 11 december 2023

China natural gas demand

China natural gas demand will continue to rise. 

zaterdag 9 december 2023

Oil going into surplus in 2024

Oil is going into surplus. 

Update 16-feb-2024

Some forecasts are even worse.

donderdag 7 december 2023

Copper Treatment charges Vs Surplus/Deficit Market Balance

As copper concentrate deficits widen, treatment charges go down in order to incentivize more supply of copper concentrate to smelters. 

dinsdag 5 december 2023