woensdag 31 januari 2024

woensdag 10 januari 2024

Copper Treatment Charges Plunge

Copper is going into massive deficits of -300K tonnes in 2024. 

Tech Vs. Commodities

It's better to buy commodities than technology. 

maandag 8 januari 2024

Bonded Copper Premium Vs. Copper Price

Bonded copper premiums give you a mid-term buying indicator for the copper price. 

zondag 7 januari 2024

China zinc concentrate imports Vs. Zinc price

China zinc concentrate imports decline, when the China zinc price (SHFE) is lower than the international zinc price (LME). This is a leading indicator that the international zinc price will drop as the Chinese will import less of it. 

Zinc balance isn't looking good for the future.

vrijdag 5 januari 2024

Shanghai gold premium gives $2200/ounce target

The Shanghai gold premium gives a target of $2200/ounce by March 2024. 

woensdag 3 januari 2024

Stock Bond Correlation Vs. Gold Yield

Stock-bond correlation is strengthening.

This means gold will rise on higher yields.

Historically, bonds and stocks are positively correlated.