There is a correlation between food and ammonia.
- List of Correlations
- Gold Checklist
- Copper Checklist
- Gold Forecaster
- Oil Forecaster
- Stock Forecaster
- Bond Forecaster
- USD Forecaster
- Poo Forecaster
- Bitcoin Checklist
- Q Ratio
- Stock Valuation
- Leading/Coincident Indicator
- Misery Index
- Junk Bonds Vs. Stocks
- Currency Vs. Bonds
- Yield Curve Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- U.S. Bond Yields
- Dividend Yield Vs. Bond Yield
- QE Vs. Bond Yields
- Money Supply
- Dow Theory
- Excess Reserves
- Central Bank Balance Sheets
- Fed Balance Sheet Vs. Dow Jones
- Credit Spread Vs S&P
- Total credit Vs. Dow Jones
- Debt
- Debt Vs. Delinquency
- % Debt Held by Foreigners
- Interest Payment on Government Debt
- Disposable Income Vs. Housing
- Retail Sales Vs. Disposable Income
- Tax Revenue Vs. Stocks
- Tax Revenue Vs. Savings Rate
- NIIP Vs. Currency
- Trade Balance Vs. Currency
- Deficit
- Deficit to Outlay Ratio
- China Power Consumption Vs. China GDP
- Freight Vs. GDP
- Inventory Vs. GDP
- GDP Vs. Trade Balance
- GDP Vs. 10 Year Bond Yield
- Profits Vs. Employment
- Employment-Population Ratio Vs. Wages
- Employment-Population Ratio Vs. GDP per Capita
- Unemployment Vs. GDP
- Part-time Employment
- Productivity Vs. CPI
- Output Gap Vs. CPI
- Taylor Rule Rate Vs. Gold
- Retail Sales Vs. CPI
- 2 Year Vs. LIBOR/SOFR Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- Loan Growth Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- Fed Funds Rate Vs. CPI
- Fed Funds Rate Vs. Unemployment
- Delinquencies Vs. Unemployment
- Delinquency Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- Labor Force Vs. Unemployment
- Non-Farm Payrolls Vs. Unemployment
- Quits Rate Vs. Wage Inflation
- Wage Inflation Vs. Unemployment
- Wage Inflation Vs. CPI
- M2 Vs. CPI
- Capacity Utilization Vs. CPI
- Capacity Utilization Vs. Unemployment
- New Homes Vs. Rents
- Lumber Vs. Housing
- Savings Vs. Housing
- Housing Starts Vs. Unemployment
- Initial Jobless Claims Vs. S&P
- Consumer Sentiment Vs. S&P
- Durable Goods Orders Vs. S&P
- Building Permit Vs. Housing
- Construction Vs. Housing
- Adjustable Mortgage Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- Fixed Mortgage Rates Vs. 30 Year Bond Yield
- MZM Vs. 10 Year Bond Yield
- Gold Vs. 10 Year Bond Yield
- Dow/Gold Ratio
- GOFO Vs. Gold
- Gold/Silver COMEX
maandag 25 april 2022
zaterdag 23 april 2022
China Imports Vs. Commodities
When China imports rise, commodities rise.
USA Vs Brazil Soybean Production
Fertilizer prices have gone up for both USA and Brazil, which could have a detrimental effect on soybean crop yields. But which country will suffer the most?
Soybean prices are generally the same for both countries. Shipping costs are slightly lower for Brazil.
vrijdag 15 april 2022
maandag 11 april 2022
zondag 10 april 2022
Foreign Holdings of Debt Vs. Bond Yields
When foreigners sell treasuries, bond yields go up.
zaterdag 9 april 2022
vrijdag 8 april 2022
LBMA Gold and Silver Holdings
It is intriguing that LBMA gold holdings are positively correlated to gold price, but LBMA silver holdings are negatively correlated to silver price.
donderdag 7 april 2022
woensdag 6 april 2022
dinsdag 5 april 2022
maandag 4 april 2022
zondag 3 april 2022
Ukraine grain shipments plunge in March
Grain shipments were 4 times lower in March compared to February. Since potash is also dry bulk like grain, we can conclude potash shipments are also falling off a cliff.
Brazil Net Exporter of Oil
zaterdag 2 april 2022
Russia's Plan
Russia is outlining their plan. It is crucial to read and understand this article to position yourself. We are entering a new era and not going back.
In March, logistic supply chains collapsed.
- European ports ban imports/exports from/to Russia (Rotterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg). Azov-Black Sea is closed.
- Container shipping companies suspend cooperation with Russia (95% freight import to Russia) (MSC, Maersk, CMA and Hapag-Lloyd) (St.-Petersburg, Novorossiysk).
- Air freight is closed (FedEx, UPS and DHL).
- Railway and automobile routes closed between Poland - Baltic States - Belarus - Ukraine - Russia.
The consequences are:
- Higher freight rates.
- Trade increases between Russia - China by rail.
- Increase in price of uranium, coal, oil products, natural gas, metals, timber, neon, vegetable oil, fertilizers, grain, expecially for the world ex-Russia/China.