dinsdag 30 april 2024

zondag 28 april 2024

Bonds are Trash

Interest payments as a % of total U.S. debt have bottomed out (red line). It is projected that in 2030, you'll be paying 2 trillion interest on 40 trillion debt per year. 

The red chart is correlated to bond yields. Bonds are called trashuries for a reason.

vrijdag 26 april 2024

donderdag 25 april 2024

Stagflation: Oil Vs. Gold

We are headed into stagflation.

Best performing asset is gold.

Not oil.

Stagflation is trending.

maandag 1 april 2024

Copper looks bearish

Copper isn't looking too good.

Bonded copper premiums aren't high.

 LME is trading below SHFE.

Scrap copper isn't looking good.

Inventories are rising.

Copper social financing dip.

COFER Data Shows USD losing luster

COFER data shows the U.S. dollar is losing share.