Today, Croatia joined the European Union, time to celebrate! But should we really celebrate?
What we took in the European Union is a bunch of problems.
First off, the unemployment rate of Croatia is a staggering 20%, rivalling with Spain and Greece.
Second, its balance of trade is negative and has always posted a trade deficit.
To make matters worse, since 2008, the country was in recession and is still in a recession. Added to this, there is an almost 5% inflation in the country (which has come down to 2% just recently), which makes real GDP decline even more rapidly. As we have seen recently in this correlation, it doesn't bode well for the unemployment rate, which will keep rising.
This decline in GDP quickly added to the government's debt. A positive point is that the government debt to GDP is still at 54%, which is good. But it is worsening. External debt though, is higher at around 90% of GDP.
As debt goes up, the country's bonds had been downgraded to junk status last year. This creates the possibility of a bail out of the country by the IMF once it joins the Eurozone.
What a gift.
- List of Correlations
- Gold Checklist
- Copper Checklist
- Gold Forecaster
- Oil Forecaster
- Stock Forecaster
- Bond Forecaster
- USD Forecaster
- Poo Forecaster
- Bitcoin Checklist
- Q Ratio
- Stock Valuation
- Leading/Coincident Indicator
- Misery Index
- Junk Bonds Vs. Stocks
- Currency Vs. Bonds
- Yield Curve Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- U.S. Bond Yields
- Dividend Yield Vs. Bond Yield
- QE Vs. Bond Yields
- Money Supply
- Dow Theory
- Excess Reserves
- Central Bank Balance Sheets
- Fed Balance Sheet Vs. Dow Jones
- Credit Spread Vs S&P
- Total credit Vs. Dow Jones
- Debt
- Debt Vs. Delinquency
- % Debt Held by Foreigners
- Interest Payment on Government Debt
- Disposable Income Vs. Housing
- Retail Sales Vs. Disposable Income
- Tax Revenue Vs. Stocks
- Tax Revenue Vs. Savings Rate
- NIIP Vs. Currency
- Trade Balance Vs. Currency
- Deficit
- Deficit to Outlay Ratio
- China Power Consumption Vs. China GDP
- Freight Vs. GDP
- Inventory Vs. GDP
- GDP Vs. Trade Balance
- GDP Vs. 10 Year Bond Yield
- Profits Vs. Employment
- Employment-Population Ratio Vs. Wages
- Employment-Population Ratio Vs. GDP per Capita
- Unemployment Vs. GDP
- Part-time Employment
- Productivity Vs. CPI
- Output Gap Vs. CPI
- Taylor Rule Rate Vs. Gold
- Retail Sales Vs. CPI
- 2 Year Vs. LIBOR/SOFR Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- Loan Growth Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- Fed Funds Rate Vs. CPI
- Fed Funds Rate Vs. Unemployment
- Delinquencies Vs. Unemployment
- Delinquency Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- Labor Force Vs. Unemployment
- Non-Farm Payrolls Vs. Unemployment
- Quits Rate Vs. Wage Inflation
- Wage Inflation Vs. Unemployment
- Wage Inflation Vs. CPI
- M2 Vs. CPI
- Capacity Utilization Vs. CPI
- Capacity Utilization Vs. Unemployment
- New Homes Vs. Rents
- Lumber Vs. Housing
- Savings Vs. Housing
- Housing Starts Vs. Unemployment
- Initial Jobless Claims Vs. S&P
- Consumer Sentiment Vs. S&P
- Durable Goods Orders Vs. S&P
- Building Permit Vs. Housing
- Construction Vs. Housing
- Adjustable Mortgage Vs. Fed Funds Rate
- Fixed Mortgage Rates Vs. 30 Year Bond Yield
- MZM Vs. 10 Year Bond Yield
- Gold Vs. 10 Year Bond Yield
- Dow/Gold Ratio
- GOFO Vs. Gold
- Gold/Silver COMEX
zondag 30 juni 2013
Unemployment Vs. Real GDP
The inverted Unemployment Rate is correlated to Real GDP and is also known as Okun's Law named after Arthur Melvin Okun.
Zero Hedge featured Okun's Law in this article.
Never in history has the unemployment rate been so artificially low (red graph artificially high) as today. The red curve has never been higher than the blue curve, which implies that the unemployment rate is much higher than officially reported.
We already know what the cause is: a lot of discouraged and part-time workers.
Moreover, the chart suggests that Real GDP (blue chart) is a leading indicator for the unemployment rate (inverted red chart).
As a final note, notice that we are talking about real GDP, which is inflation adjusted. This means that inflation negatively impacts real GDP and therefore inflation will in turn create higher unemployment rates at a constant GDP rate.
Zero Hedge featured Okun's Law in this article.
Red curve: inverted yoy% change in unemployment rate
Blue curve: yoy% change in real GDP
Never in history has the unemployment rate been so artificially low (red graph artificially high) as today. The red curve has never been higher than the blue curve, which implies that the unemployment rate is much higher than officially reported.
We already know what the cause is: a lot of discouraged and part-time workers.
Moreover, the chart suggests that Real GDP (blue chart) is a leading indicator for the unemployment rate (inverted red chart).
As a final note, notice that we are talking about real GDP, which is inflation adjusted. This means that inflation negatively impacts real GDP and therefore inflation will in turn create higher unemployment rates at a constant GDP rate.
About Delivery Ratio and Cover Ratio at the COMEX
Interesting article by Jan Skoyles.
The summary says to us that the amount of gold bullion backing COMEX obligations is at an all time low (Cover Ratio). Meaning, there is very little gold backing at the COMEX.
If the delivery ratio (amount of delivered gold against contracts) ever spikes upwards, the COMEX could get under stress. Today, we are still fine, because people aren't really taking delivery as much as they should be.
Also notable is that registered stock is declining at a much faster pace than open interest (which is actually still very high). Such things cannot last, as this huge amount of leverage will blow up one day. You just can't trade contracts at this level without any physical backing of gold.
The summary says to us that the amount of gold bullion backing COMEX obligations is at an all time low (Cover Ratio). Meaning, there is very little gold backing at the COMEX.
If the delivery ratio (amount of delivered gold against contracts) ever spikes upwards, the COMEX could get under stress. Today, we are still fine, because people aren't really taking delivery as much as they should be.
Also notable is that registered stock is declining at a much faster pace than open interest (which is actually still very high). Such things cannot last, as this huge amount of leverage will blow up one day. You just can't trade contracts at this level without any physical backing of gold.
donderdag 27 juni 2013
PIIGS Bank Deposits Outflow Accelerating
As I noted a month earlier, Spain's bank deposits posted an outflow and this outflow is accelerating for the month of May 2013. This time, Italy is posting outflows too.
Greece, Cyprus are of course still in a decline. I expect bail-ins to come if this trend continues. Europeans should be worried about their deposits.
Case Study on the Housing Market of Belgium and The Netherlands
With the newly discovered correlation between building permits and housing prices, I wanted to put this correlation into practice more at home. Let's see how The Netherlands is doing. On Chart 1 we see that since 2006, the amount of building permits has dropped and is continuing to drop.
Chart 1: Building Permits in The Netherlands |
A similar case is found in Belgium, where we see that the amount of building permits dropped since the top of 2006 (Chart 2). But the decline isn't as bad as in The Netherlands.
Chart 2: Building Permits Belgium |
If we then look at the housing prices in Belgium and The Netherlands we do see a lag. 2006 marked the top in building permits, while 2008 marked the top in the housing market index in The Netherlands. This suggests that the correlation is true.
In Belgium though, the housing market is still rising, while building permits are declining. So something is not right here. Considering that building permits are dropping in Belgium, I expect that the Belgium housing market will go lower in the future.
Chart 3: Housing market in Belgium and The Netherlands |
Building Permits Vs. Housing Market
The authorization of building permits is a leading indicator for the housing market. As you can see on this chart, the new private housing units authorized by building permits move first, while the house price index moves several months later.
This way, you can predict the direction of the real estate market.
On June 2013, the direction of the housing market is clearly upwards.
When the new supply of houses finally hits the market, the housing prices come down.
House prices come down when supply exceeds demand.
Correlation: Lumber Vs. Housing
Apparently the lumber price is a leading indicator and a proxy for the housing market. (Zero Hedge)
If the lumber price goes up, 2 months later, the housing market goes up. The same happens the other way round.
So it's very important to watch the lumber price, which can be found here.
And even more important, if this correlation is real, then you can just predict the market and earn money by betting on the direction of the market.
woensdag 26 juni 2013
What is Open Interest?
BrotherJohnF explains open interest here:
The Housing Bubble is Deflating
With the recent surge in the mortgage yields, let's see how the housing market is doing. The two key metrics to look at are mortgage rates and household income. Let's analyze the mortgage rates first.
Historically, there is a high correlation between 30 year U.S. treasuries and 30 year mortgage rates (Chart 1). The chart shows that the 30 year treasury yield has spiked upwards starting in 2013, so I expect that the 30 year mortgage rates will spike upwards too. 30 year mortgage rates have already gone up from 3% to 4.9%, which had negative consequences for the real estate market, which is not priced in yet in the housing index.
As Zero Hedge reports, the affordability of housing is declining rapidly with rising mortgage yields. Every percentage increase in yields on 30 year mortgages will result in a 10% decline in affordability as the chart shows. If yields continue to go up to 6%, affordability would have declined about 40% since 2013.
The question is, will mortgage rates go up further? And what about the savings rate of the average citizen?
The answer is that real estate should be sold out of. Kyle Bass for example sold out of three of his real estate holdings: Newcastle Investment Corp (NCT), Hyatt Hotels Corporation (H) and Realogy Holdings Corp. (RLG ) - Real Estate Services.
=> Read it here.
Historically, there is a high correlation between 30 year U.S. treasuries and 30 year mortgage rates (Chart 1). The chart shows that the 30 year treasury yield has spiked upwards starting in 2013, so I expect that the 30 year mortgage rates will spike upwards too. 30 year mortgage rates have already gone up from 3% to 4.9%, which had negative consequences for the real estate market, which is not priced in yet in the housing index.
Chart 1: Correlation between 30 year treasury yield and 30 year mortgage yield |
As Zero Hedge reports, the affordability of housing is declining rapidly with rising mortgage yields. Every percentage increase in yields on 30 year mortgages will result in a 10% decline in affordability as the chart shows. If yields continue to go up to 6%, affordability would have declined about 40% since 2013.
Chart 2: House Purchasing Power |
The answer is that real estate should be sold out of. Kyle Bass for example sold out of three of his real estate holdings: Newcastle Investment Corp (NCT), Hyatt Hotels Corporation (H) and Realogy Holdings Corp. (RLG ) - Real Estate Services.
=> Read it here.
GDP revised lower
As I suspected here, declining PMI will always result in lower GDP forecasts and "unexpected" revisions downward.
GDP growth was going to be 2.4% on an annual rate, now it is only 1.8% in Q1 2013.
This also means that the Zero Hour Debt chart is on track to go to zero.
GDP growth was going to be 2.4% on an annual rate, now it is only 1.8% in Q1 2013.
This also means that the Zero Hour Debt chart is on track to go to zero.
More weakness is coming ahead of us as interest rates and mortgage rates go up.
Follow Up on Eric Sprott's Bullish Call on Gold
As a follow up on Eric Sprott's bullish call on gold here, let's see what has happened ever since.
His premise was that hedge funds take possession of their physical gold of the GLD trust, because there isn't any other gold available. As they take possession of this physical gold, they are going to sell it to China who give huge premiums on this physical gold (around 3%).
Following chart indeed says to us that hedge funds are still taking possession of their GLD trust units. The GLD now only has 969 tonnes of physical gold left. The question is now, how much physical gold does GLD really have? If someone knows, please tell me. But we have another way we can look at it, by just looking at how much registered gold there is on the COMEX.
If we look at the COMEX warehouses, registered gold (which represents 40 tonnes physical gold) is declining (blue chart on Chart 2). Total stock is declining too (around 200 tonnes). When these charts hit zero, there is no gold anymore at the COMEX and we will see defaults. The gold exchange will become a cash exchange.
Once the blue line intersects with zero, bad things will happen because no physical gold is available at the COMEX. I guess that when the blue line intersects, there is a chance GLD could blow up as people scramble to get physical gold at the GLD trust.
Jim Sinclair confirms:
His premise was that hedge funds take possession of their physical gold of the GLD trust, because there isn't any other gold available. As they take possession of this physical gold, they are going to sell it to China who give huge premiums on this physical gold (around 3%).
Following chart indeed says to us that hedge funds are still taking possession of their GLD trust units. The GLD now only has 969 tonnes of physical gold left. The question is now, how much physical gold does GLD really have? If someone knows, please tell me. But we have another way we can look at it, by just looking at how much registered gold there is on the COMEX.
Chart 1: GLD |
If we look at the COMEX warehouses, registered gold (which represents 40 tonnes physical gold) is declining (blue chart on Chart 2). Total stock is declining too (around 200 tonnes). When these charts hit zero, there is no gold anymore at the COMEX and we will see defaults. The gold exchange will become a cash exchange.
Once the blue line intersects with zero, bad things will happen because no physical gold is available at the COMEX. I guess that when the blue line intersects, there is a chance GLD could blow up as people scramble to get physical gold at the GLD trust.
Chart 2: COMEX |
Jim Sinclair confirms:
As long as physical gold remains at a premium above future that is above the cost of insurance and transportation, the lower the inventory of gold at the COMEX goes. A futures exchange without a warehouse inventory becomes a cash exchange. This is the emancipation of physical gold from the manipulative capacity of No-Gold, Paper - Gold
Now let's see how this translates into the premiums on the Shanghai Gold Exchange.
Chart 3: Shanghai Gold Premium |
As you can see on Chart 3, the premium has never been as high since I monitored it. We are at 2.8% now.
So investors are taking the opportunity to make arbitrage profits by buying gold from GLD and selling it to China at a premium.
Let's see how long this can go on.
On the silver front, premiums have almost skyrocketed to 40% for some miners.
Chart 4: First Majestic Silver premium |
maandag 24 juni 2013
The Onion Report: The cost of a dollar
There might be some truth behind this. One day the cost to print a dollar bill will be higher than the dollar itself.
Or in Gerald Celente's wording:
"The U.S. Dollar Isn't Worth The Paper It's Printed on".
Michael Pento's Outlook
Michael Pento's view on the market and Ben Bernanke's "Tapering".
Marc Faber's Outlook
Adding this to my Marc Faber Blog Library.
zondag 23 juni 2013
Gold/Silver Premiums Going through the Roof Again
Following the smash in gold and silver this week, premiums are soaring all over again.
vrijdag 21 juni 2013
Ben Bernanke: "Our debt is in great demand"
Ben Bernanke,
As an analogy on this post, we can do the same analysis in China. The key is that SHIBOR affects Chinese adjustable mortgage rates.
Following site gives us the Shanghai LIBOR rates, namely: SHIBOR.
As you can see, we had a pretty big spike in SHIBOR (Chart 1), which also means a surge in China interest rates/funds rate.
As you know a rise in interest rates means a rise in bond yields too, because there is this correlation between the funds rate, the mortgage rates and the bond yields.
Following site gives us the Shanghai LIBOR rates, namely: SHIBOR.
As you can see, we had a pretty big spike in SHIBOR (Chart 1), which also means a surge in China interest rates/funds rate.
Chart 1: SHIBOR |
As you know a rise in interest rates means a rise in bond yields too, because there is this correlation between the funds rate, the mortgage rates and the bond yields.
Chart 2: 10 year China Bonds |
As SHIBOR increases, so does the Chinese funds rate increase together with rising adjustable mortgage rates. And that has negative implications on the Chinese real estate market as you can see below.
So watching SHIBOR is a must, if you are invested in Chinese government bonds and Chinese real estate.
If SHIBOR goes up, Chinese bonds and real estate go down.
Correlation: LIBOR Vs. Fed Funds Rate
The LIBOR rate at which the banks lend each other money, is an important element in calculating the gold lease rate. Obviously, this LIBOR rate is influenced by the Federal Reserve via the Fed Funds Rate.
As you can see on this chart, there is an almost 100% correlation between LIBOR and the Fed Funds Rate.
As the Federal Reserve said that they will keep interest rates at zero until 2015, LIBOR rates will keep floating around the 0% level.
This also means that the gold lease rate (LIBOR minus GOFO (Gold Forward Rate)) is entirely dependent on the GOFO rate as long as the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates near zero.
Once inflation begins to pick up though, the Federal Reserve will have to raise the Fed Funds Rate (contractionary monetary policy), which will increase LIBOR rates and this will tend to raise the gold lease rates. In turn, high gold lease rates are a bullish environment for gold prices.
Note that there is one power that will force the Federal Reserve to increase its Fed Funds Rate and that is the yields on the bond market and the mortgage market.
As you can see on this graph below, the adjustable mortgage rates are starting to edge upwards even with a zero interest rate policy. Government bond yields are also edging upwards. So eventually, the Federal Reserve will be pressured to increase interest rates to keep up with the rise in bond and mortgage yields.
donderdag 20 juni 2013
Goldman Sachs Was Right!
Remember I bookmarked this post?
I hate to say it, but Goldman Sach's call for gold going below $1300/ounce has become reality. Oh well...
I hate to say it, but Goldman Sach's call for gold going below $1300/ounce has become reality. Oh well...
Goldman Sachs
Initial Jobless Claims starting to rise, S&P in for a correction
This week's initial jobless claims were rising again as reported by Zero Hedge and based on the obvious correlation between the S&P and initial jobless claims here, I expect that the S&P will come down eventually.
On top of that, the capacity utilization for the previous month was edging down (blue chart going up), which confirms that the unemployment rate will start going upwards (red chart going up).
While deflation sets in with a lower CPI (red chart going down).
Warning: Deflation is on the horizon
As we know, Ben Bernanke sinked the markets yesterday and this has consequences.
As the premium on silver of some silver miners soars to 30%, we are getting to a point where mining companies are actually losing money, especially when they have mining projects in development. At these prices, nobody is going to invest in exploration companies as they would lose money in doing so.
On the other front, namely bonds, we see the U.S. treasury market decline in price while yields rise.
These high yields in bonds and mortgage yields will in turn crash the stock market and the housing market respectively, if the Federal Reserve stops its monetary easing.
These events are very deflationary, if Ben Bernanke doesn't up its QE, we will need to position ourselves in deflationary assets like cash and bonds.
Michael Pento warns for deflation in this status update.
donderdag 13 juni 2013
Shanghai Gold Market Opens With a Boom
Shanghai Gold Market opens with a boom after the Dragon Boat Festival.
The gold premium jumped to 1.2%.
woensdag 12 juni 2013
COMEX gold another huge drop
Interesting article by Zerohedge:
As I indicated here, COMEX will run out of gold in August 2013.
The drop in gold stock is getting worse. Hold on to your belt. Once COMEX has a force majeure, the manipulation is over and the banks know this, as they are now net long in gold for the first time in history (since I monitored it).
If you want more info on the COT report, the slingshot effect and how banks are getting long, don't miss this Got Gold Report:
As I indicated here, COMEX will run out of gold in August 2013.
The drop in gold stock is getting worse. Hold on to your belt. Once COMEX has a force majeure, the manipulation is over and the banks know this, as they are now net long in gold for the first time in history (since I monitored it).
If you want more info on the COT report, the slingshot effect and how banks are getting long, don't miss this Got Gold Report:
dinsdag 11 juni 2013
Copper Contango Report Shows Weakness to Come
We thought that the contango was going back to backwardation, but lately we see a reversal again.
This is a not so positive development for commodities and stocks.
Silver ETF Vs. Silver Price
As demand is now being dictated for a part by the ETF's, we need to pay attention to what is happening in the trusts.
If you see the hedge funds buying (red chart goes up), you should become bullish.
You can monitor this chart daily at the iShares Silver trust site:
If you see the hedge funds buying (red chart goes up), you should become bullish.
You can monitor this chart daily at the iShares Silver trust site:
Chart 1: Silver Ounces in SLV Vs. SLV Price |
donderdag 6 juni 2013
U.S. Debt Flattening Out
I don't know if you've noticed, but this is the first time in more than a decade where total public debt has actually dropped...
I'm wondering what is happening. (of course, it's the debt ceiling of $16.7 trillion)
COMEX to run out of gold in August 2013
At this rate, the COMEX will run out of deliverable gold on 14 August 2013.
Yes, that's only 2 months from now!
You decide what will happen when people can't redeem their physical gold and instead get a paper settlement.
David Morgan explains how little physical gold there is in the COMEX (scroll to 12:00).
woensdag 5 juni 2013
China Gold Imports from Hong Kong in April 2013: Disappointing
The China Gold Imports from Hong Kong in April 2013 came in lower than expected, but still very high. I had hoped for a higher number with the decline in gold price...
dinsdag 4 juni 2013
COMEX not to be trusted?
While updating my COMEX charts I found something odd.
"The information in this report is taken from sources believed to be reliable; however, the Commodity Exchange, Inc. disclaims all liability whatsoever with regard to its accuracy or completeness. This report is produced for information purposes only.
For questions regarding this report please email or call (312) 341-3370."
I wonder why they put that in their reports...
"The information in this report is taken from sources believed to be reliable; however, the Commodity Exchange, Inc. disclaims all liability whatsoever with regard to its accuracy or completeness. This report is produced for information purposes only.
For questions regarding this report please email or call (312) 341-3370."
I wonder why they put that in their reports...
Correlation: S&P Revenues Vs. PMI
Dr. Ed Yardeni's blog is a pool full of critical information and one of them is a newly discovered correlation which I will add to my collection.
Apparently the PMI is a leading indicator for the S&P revenues, which also means the PMI is a leading indicator for the overall direction of the stock market. This is consistent with the correlation between the PMI and the GDP, which is correlated to the total stock market index on itself via the Warren Buffet Rule.
So if you want to know the direction of the earnings of the financials, just look at the PMI and you can predict the trend, which is certainly down after the miss in PMI reported the previous week.
![]() |
Chart 1: S&P 500 Revenues Vs. PMI |
Standard and Poor's
When will inflation in Japan show up?
People are wondering if the money printing experiment in Japan is actually going to be inflationary or not. As we all know, the inflation rate is measured by the CPI (consumer price index). If the CPI goes up, we have inflation.
First, let's look at food prices. Zero Hedge reports that McDonald's has hiked the price of a burger in Japan by 20%. If we consider this price hike as a proxy for the overall food price in Japan, we could see a significant increase in the CPI coming.
Second, we take a look at the Japanese housing market. The Japanese housing market has always been in a decline for the last 15 years, but now we see signs of stabilization. Housing prices are about to rise in the coming years. In the metropolitan areas for example, we have seen land prices go up at an annual rate of 11.5% in 2012.
Third, fuel and energy costs are going through the roof. With the Fukushima disaster, a part of the nuclear energy had to be diverted to fuel. In fact, LNG imports soared to 86.9 million tonnes. Added to this disaster, the yen weakened considerably in 2013 which led to rising fuel and energy costs. We can witness this in the rising LNG prices in Japan. These events are a very good example of why a weaker yen is not a good thing, instead it creates an environment where people's purchasing power declines. In this case the price of the imports of fuel are going up and this will add to the trade deficit of the country. The statistics bureau of Japan recently put out the latest numbers on the CPI. Fuel was contributing the most to the rising costs of living.
So basically, we see that the 3 biggest components of the CPI are going up in Japan. It would surprise me if the CPI would decline in the coming months.
Continue reading here.
The CPI of Japan consists of the items given in Chart 1. The items with the most weight in it are food, housing, transportation and fuel. Therefore, it is important to watch food and energy costs as well as housing prices in Japan.
Chart 1: Items in CPI of Japan (2010) |
Second, we take a look at the Japanese housing market. The Japanese housing market has always been in a decline for the last 15 years, but now we see signs of stabilization. Housing prices are about to rise in the coming years. In the metropolitan areas for example, we have seen land prices go up at an annual rate of 11.5% in 2012.
Third, fuel and energy costs are going through the roof. With the Fukushima disaster, a part of the nuclear energy had to be diverted to fuel. In fact, LNG imports soared to 86.9 million tonnes. Added to this disaster, the yen weakened considerably in 2013 which led to rising fuel and energy costs. We can witness this in the rising LNG prices in Japan. These events are a very good example of why a weaker yen is not a good thing, instead it creates an environment where people's purchasing power declines. In this case the price of the imports of fuel are going up and this will add to the trade deficit of the country. The statistics bureau of Japan recently put out the latest numbers on the CPI. Fuel was contributing the most to the rising costs of living.
Table 1: Consumer Prices: Change from the Previous Year in 2012 |
Continue reading here.
maandag 3 juni 2013
Manufacturing PMI goes into Recession/Depression Territory
Look at that => Blue Chart.
Yes, we crossed below zero for the PMI. Do you really think GDP growth will still go up?
Three words: Not A Chance...
zondag 2 juni 2013
What do the latest GDP numbers tell us?
The GDP numbers came out this week and there was 2.4% growth yoy:
So what does this mean to your equity positioning?
The following chart is used to give a valuation on the stock market and gives you the tool to position yourself. It is based on the total stock index (DWCF) divided by the GNP.
So what does this mean to your equity positioning?
The following chart is used to give a valuation on the stock market and gives you the tool to position yourself. It is based on the total stock index (DWCF) divided by the GNP.
Table 1: GDP and GNP |
Now divide 17015 by 16236 and we get: 1.05.
105% is modestly overvalued according to the Stock Valuation Table.
Stock Valuation Table |
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